
Monday, November 29, 2010


 The name Ganjifa comes from the Persian word ganjifeh (گنجفه), meaning playing card. The first known reference is in an early-16th century biography of Bâbur, the founder of the Mughal dynasty. The game first became popular at court, in the form of lavish sets of precious stone-inlaid ivory or tortoise shell (darbar kalam). It later spread to the general public, whereupon cheaper sets (bazâr kalam) would be made from materials such as wood, palm leaf, or pasteboard.
 Ganjifa cards are circular and traditionally hand-made by local artisans. The suits are composed of twelve subjects on coloured backgrounds, with pip cards running from 1 to 10, and two court cards, one of a minister or counselor, the other of a king. The precise style and arrangement of the decoration on any set is dependent on its artist. The designs of the cards of Dashavatara Ganjifa use motifs from the ten avatars of Vishnu.
 The production of ganjifa cards has never been on a mass scale but made exclusively on commission. Unfortunately, the arrival of modern printed playing cards affected the market of these indigenous hand-painted ganjifa cards. But even with a decline in demand, a few artists continued the practice of painting the traditional themes and at times incorporated the traditional theme to suit the structure of the modern pack of 52 cards. In course of time the number of practitioners decreased mainly due to lack of regular patronage and sustainable income. The legacy, however, continues in the hands of a few artists whose families have pursued the ancient practice of ganjifa painting.

The themes portrayed in the ganjifa packs range from the social to religious ones. The choice of subjects has always reflected the socio-religious trend in society.
 The most important cards known as court cards are the Mir/Raja/King and Wazir/Pradhan/Minister along with Rani in some sets. These are known as court cards which hold great value. The remaining motif and numeral cards indicate the respective suit symbol. The court cards represent the court figures and are stylistically rich and reflect the artistic and aesthetic dexterity of the artist. In contrast, the numeral cards are decorative and yet simplistic in their application and nature of painterly treatment.

The material used for preparing ganjifa cards has varied from ivory, mother of pearl, wooden tablets, sandalwood, lac, patta (rag) and card-sheet. While royal families and the rich by and large commissioned cards made with expensive material, people and artists in general used the more affordable material such as waste paper and fabric.


Till 1850 Sawantwadi was known as Sunderwadi (A beautiful locality). The name Sawantwadi came into the practice because of surname of this erstwhile state’s ruling family of Khem-sawants. The palace was earlier atop Narendra hill. Khemsawant III constructed the existing palace in late 18th century (Construction period 1755-1803). The famous Moti-Talao (Talao-lake) built in front of the palace in 1874 has added to its beauty. Now the palace is a pride of Sawantwadi.

The ruling family has been supporting the local artisans in a big way. The ‘Ganjifa Art’, ‘lacer work’, ‘woodwork painting’ date back to 18th century. In the palace, training sessions and workshops are conducted for new generation of artisans. This has been a major attraction for Domestic as well as foreign tourists. The present Queen-mother H.H. Satwashiladevi has taken keen personal interest in promotion of these arts. To add variety to the traditional designs in Ganjifa she interacted with the artisans of Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kerala and Vishnupura.
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 Sawantwadi Moti means pearl and this lake is a Pearl in the cap of picturesque town Sawantwadi it reside in enchanting landscape formed by the pleasing green hills all around baoting facilty is available in the lake. Sawantwadi town situated at the periphery of Moti talav is an unique example of peripheral city of India.
If Sawantwadi is a beauty then Moti Talav can be called its majestic beauty spot. This graceful lake with a newly renovated garden nearby summons the mortals with divine elegance and imperial diktat. If watching young newly weds boating on the lake brings back those fond memories then watching kids feed fishes in the lake and jump with joy arouses that feel good and serene feelings. 
The Province had decided to crate two palaces for the Emperor and thus started the work of excavation which resulted in creation of this beautiful lake as a reservoir of water was created. Well, the lucky workers made a killing as they were paid or presented with Moti (Pearls) for the wonderful job done by them. So that’s how the lake came to be known as Moti (Pearl) Talav (lake).

The Narendra hills provide a guarding backdrop to the water sports facility established near the lake. The water sports activities such as boating, swimming and paddles, provide thrills that are unmatched.The access to the Talao is open 24 hours however it is advisable to visit during 9 am - 8.30 pm to enjoy optimum fun.


 Dashavatar is also known as 'Dahikala', From last 600-700 years Dashavatar is a part of our culture.
In Indian mythology the ten incarnations of lord Vishnu is collectively known as Dashavatar. They are Matsya (Fish) Katchha (Turtle), Varaha (Boar), Narsimha (half man half Lion), Waman (A Brahman boy), Parshuram , Rama, Krishna, Buddha ; Kalanki.

Dashavatar is Most popular art form in Malvan. Dance ritual dramas are held in most of the temples during festive occasions. interesting characters in these dramas are Apsaras (Heavenly maidens) Their role in woman's attire are played by the men.

Credit of this new art, goes to pioneer Mr. Shymnaikji Kale who introduced Dashavatar in 11th century
A from called Aatdashavatar is also highly appreciated by the locals. It is presented in two parts. Parts I begins with Ganeshstavan, Saraswatistavan, Brahmin priests entry and killing of Sankasura (Purvarang) while part II is a proper play and includes mythological stories. (Uttarang or leelantya)

The first incarnations Matsya Avatar is presented to the audience in the theatre. The myth beginnings with Lord Brahma who is busy in penance. The demon named Sankasura seizes this opportunity to steal his Vedas & Shastras ( the holy Books). Lord Vishnu who is witness to this incident then promises Brahma of bringing back his Vedas. Vishnu wanders in search Sankasura and when he finds him, fierce battle takes place between them. Sankasura runs from the battlefield and hides under water in a conch shell. As Vedas remained drowned in water, it was necessary to bring them up. To retrieve them Vishnu descends into the water in the form of fish that is lower part of body like fish and upper part like that of a man (A Matsya Avatar) in a Bottle under the Water Vishnu finally defeats Sankasura who surrenders and explains the motive behind stealing of Vedas. That he did so with an intention to pass philosophical knowledge of Vedas from elite people to down –trodden society (Bahojan Samaj) Vishnu appreciated Sankasura's courage and gave him a vow that in the tree worlds (Trailokya), so before worshipping Vishnu people will worship his conch shell. Vishnu then restored the Vedas to Brahma.


Bharadi Devi(Goddess) is one goddess one just can't think of missing when one is in Malvan. This is the famous “Active Goddess” situated at Anganewadi, 14 kms from Malvan. Angnewadi is the small hamlet of Masure village. The Bharadi devi (goddess) is very famous for her wish-fulfilling power. Devotees express their wish before her and once the wish is fulfilled they come to express their gratitude.

The highlight of Angnewadi is an annual fair [some time in February, the date is declared after getting approval from the goddess] which is attended by lacs of devotees. The villagers of Angnewadi have deep faith in ‘Bharadi Devi’ and they obey her wishes. This small hamlet completely abstains from alcohol consumption. It's strictly forbidden in this hamlet. With spreading of the wish–fulfilling of the powers of this goddess, the goddess has many political leaders amongst her devotees. All these faithful devotees throng to the annual fair. Many public transportation buses, passenger vehicles ply from Malvan and Kankavli to Angnewadi. One can visit Angnewadi and come back to Malvan within 2 hours.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Travelling tells us about cultures of different people living at different places. It also breaks the monotonous routine of daily lives and fills our lives with new energy. Traveling with small children can be exciting and rewarding, but it is also challenging and tiring. When we go for travel with children safety regulations and practices are very vital. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their children’s safety, whom should be especially cared. While travelling with children, an additional safety measures need to be taken.

Children are very sensitive and are prone to many diseases. If proper care and arrangements are not made for them, then you are the one who would be responsible for their diseases and infections. On longer trips, remember to take a break every few hours. This helps children to burn off some energy. It is must to carry with you the basic first aid kit while traveling with children. If you are not well planned and prepared then this would create an uncomfortable situation for you and to your baby. It is best to note down the important contact numbers around the place you are residing which would help you during emergencies. Being prepared is the wise and best method to avoid accidents. Traveling is boring for children since it restricts their activities around their seats. It is best to have some toys with you to keep your children busy in their activities.

Before moving out on your holiday remind your children about how to deal with strangers, what to do if they get lost. Always keep a recent photo of children handy which is essential in case of emergency. It is wise to have photocopy of passports kept in a safe place. Always Dress your children in bright colors which makes them readily visible. It is best to teach children about road safety rules and hold the hands of your children while crossing the road. Make sure that your children know your home address and telephone number. It is also wise to provide them an ID card with the name and telephone number of yours, relative or friend to contact during emergencies.

Never leave your children alone in car or anywhere. While travelling by air make sure whether they are secured by seat belts. Children always like to play at beach .Its really a great treat on hot day. Swimming is filled with lot of fun, at the same time it’s a real menace for children. When you get into the beach it is must to check the lifeguard and make sure how strong the waves are. Children are our most precious gifts hence it is important to be vigilant when traveling with children. It is our responsibility to keep them safe at all the times.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Look to the neighbors
Is there a household on your block where one of the occupants works at home during the day or is a stay-at-home parent? Sometimes all your home needs is a pair of watchful eyes. Without asking this neighbor to water the plants or take out the dog or bring in the mail, simply ask this: Will you let me know if you see anything odd around my house while I am away? Provide him or her with your cell-phone number and a relative or close friend who might have an extra key to your house (this person will need to visit the home and investigate if, say, a front window is smashed or a tree falls onto your front porch). Now, while your neighbor is walking the dog or trimming bushes -- and knowing that you are out of town -- it might seem alarming when he or she spots an individual banging on your door and then peering into the windows. Is it a robbery about to happen or a sales call? You won't know if you don't designate a pair of eyes to investigate.

Don't advertise your vacation
We all like to brag about our vacations, but it's best to save that news until you've returned and are sleeping in your own bed at night. While you might think that your 773 Facebook friends and 599 Twitter followers are your friends, you really don't know that. Also, if you publish a blog that's deeply personal -- and even if it's not -- don't let on that you are going to be taking a break from blogging. These days it's possible to pre-schedule posts in advance, with just a few clicks on your computer's keyboard and mouse. This way you can make it look like you are home -- even when you are not. As for Facebook and Twitter, try your best to stay off those social-media channels and relax while on vacation. Your connections may simply take your virtual absence as a sign that you are stressed and busy.

Leave some lights on
My neighbors like to pull the shades down on every single one of their windows -- both floors, all sides of the house -- when they go out of town. That's how I know they are away. Don't be this obvious. Instead, ask the person who is watching your home -- feeding pets, watering plants, bringing in the mail, etc. -- to rotate which lights are switched on at night. One night, make it the master-bedroom lamp for a soft glow coming from that room. For another evening, ask your house sitter to turn on the overhead chandelier in the dining room. Keep the curtains parted at least two or three feet. With blinds, leave some throughout the house closed and others open. You can also take advantage of timing devices that can turn some lights on and off.

Stop all deliveries
One tip that a house is vacant are the number of newspapers lying on the front porch or strewn across the sidewalk. You don't want that to be your situation -- and a reason for a roving burglar to pull up to your home during the day and loot your jewelry and electronics. Make sure you cancel your newspaper before you even start packing. Go the second step and notify the U.S. Postal Service that you are going to be out of town on certain dates. You then have two options: pick up the bundle of mail at the nearest post office after your return, or request that it be delivered in bulk on your first day back. I receive a lot of packages from UPS and FedEx (for wine clubs) and when I know I am going to be out of town, and not in the house to sign for them, I let my delivery guys know. Think about this: it saves them the hassle, too.

Compiled by: Purna Travels

Friday, November 26, 2010


For most of us, one of the most important considerations when planning a vacation is the cost. It is critical to book your trip during the off-season--generally fall through early spring--to save on hotel cost. But once you reach your destination, no matter the season, there are ways to minimize spending without sacrificing any of the fun.

• Eat breakfast at your hotel if it is offered. There is no reason to go out and pay for a meal if you've already paid for it at the hotel.
• Buy snacks such as fruit, sandwiches at a local grocery or bring some with you from home. Have these on hand to munch on any time you get hungry rather than stopping at a restaurant.
• Limit the number of meals you eat in a restaurant to one a day, especially if you favor the pricier end of fine dining.
• Patronize a street vendor. This will be cost effective while allowing you to sample some of the local culinary color.
• Eat fast food. It may lack glamour, but it will certainly save you money.
• Order tap water with your meal rather than bottled water, soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. These can be purchased far more cheaply at a convenience store or local grocery.

• Choose modest lodging, such as a two-star, rather than a four-star, hotel. Since the focal point of your trip is probably not your hotel room, there is no reason to spend big bucks on lodging.
• Find a home-stay at if you are traveling in Konkan. You may have to share a community bathroom, but it could be a significant money saver.
• Book lodging ahead when possible rather than waiting until arrival at your destination, since many hotels charge more for walk-in reservations.
• Find out whether the place where you're staying offers discounts for seniors or military, if you qualify as such.

• Shop around for the best prices on souvenir items, rather than buying the first thing you find.
• Avoid tourist trap souvenir shops; get off the beaten path to find local goods at costs that have not been inflated for tourists. Look for open markets when available, and don't be afraid to haggle with the merchants.


Tailor your own Konkan trip and make it amazing.

For details call on Kanchan 9619246419

Tips for Choosing Tour Operators

As opposed to your friends who like to travel on their own and do not want rigid schedules during their holiday, you would rather travel with an organized group. Since you are not very fond of looking at maps and driving into uncharted territory, your best bet would be to go with a tour operator. All the work is done for you and you get to learn something about each place you visit, thanks to a well-prepared tour operator. What should you be looking for in a tour operator?

Experience and licence to operate
Most experienced tour operators have extensive travel experience under their belt. They know the preferences of various age groups, what the top destinations are, and have done their homework. In many cases you can tell good experience when the tour operator answers your questions and can add to your knowledge without being prompted. You can sense their confidence. They are not stammering or struggling for answers. Rarely will you hear “I don’t know about that; let me find out for you.”
Along with this experience, you want a tour operator who is licensed in the area you live. This is probably a little difficult when you are dealing with a tour operator who operates an online travel agency, but there are ways of finding out as to their legal status. For example, do they have a secure payment system, do they take major credit cards, and do they send you confirmation of your booking and mail you an original receipt? You can also go with word of mouth, go to online travel forums and read people’s comments about the tour operator.

Tour Guide
One of the reasons you choose an organized tour group is to learn something about the place you are visiting. You want a tour guide who will not only make sure that logistics are efficiently carried out, but also one who is well informed about the geography, history and culture of your destination. In fact, it is inconceivable for tour operators not to have tour guides who will accompany travellers everywhere they go and be accessible when they are needed.

Package deals
Examine your travel brochures closely and read in between the lines. You want to make sure that the accommodations provided are located in a safe area close to all amenities. If you are paying a steep price for your tour, you also expect that at least two meals daily are part of the deal. In addition to food and lodging, you want a tour operator who will give you the choice of signing up for extra side trips or special excursions. A good tour operator offers an adequate number of sightseeing trips, but can offer optional trips as well.

Flexibility in tour schedule
Some people have vowed never to go with a tour operator again because their first experience turned out to be like military training. A tour operator has to take into account the temperaments of travelers. There are those who do not mind having a hectic schedule where each activity is timed and meal periods start at a given time, not one minute more or less. A good tour operator leaves some room and time for travellers to be on their own, and will choose restaurants that can offer a varied menu so that everyone, or almost everyone, can be accommodated.

Konkan Packages by PURNA TRAVELS where you can enjoy your Dream Holidays.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


About 3 km from the town and near the jetty is the lighthouse, reached via a winding path that passes through shrubs and vegetation. Perched on a hill, it’s set on a small plateau. It offers a spectacular view: the sea below you, stretching far into the horizon; the jetty and its boats; the palm-fringed coastline to the left; and a creek far away trailing out to the sea. To the right is a sheer drop down to the sea past jagged cliffs. To the north-west are the Vengurla Rocks, also called Burnt Islands, which was an important pointer for seafarers in times long gone.
 It’s well worth strolling around the lighthouse. The northern tip overlooks an alluring horseshoe-shaped beach. Small winding pathways lead down to small coves, which are in reality tiny strips of sand with the cliff-face rising on both sides.
 Vengurla Jetty Once a bustling port, Vengurla’s jetty is a part of settlement set up by the Dutch. The best time to visit the jetty is in the evening when the boats return with the day’s catch.

Date Established : 1869
Latitude: 15° 51 Min. 12 Sec.
Longitude: 73° 37 Min. 0 Sec.
Name : Vengurla Light
Location : Southern Maharashtra, southwest coast of India Arabian Sea.
Nearest Town or City: Vengurla, Sawantwadi, Malwan
Managing Organization: Department of Lighthouses and Lightship Central Government
Tower Height: 43
Height of Focal Plane: 269
Characteristic and Range: Red flash every 5 seconds, range 24 nautical miles.
Description of Tower: Hexagonal masonry tower with black and white bands ; lantern dome is red. Attached to dwelling.


 The road to the Ade beach is a pleasant one passing through coconut and betelnut groves. The beach is clean and unexplored. There are thick, extensive woods of Kevda alongside this beach. Don’t miss this picturesque beach in your trip to Ade. Viewing the sunset or just lying down in the Kevda woods is a fascinating experience. An ideal tonic to recharge yourself!
 The ancient Shree Bhargavram (Parshuram) temple is located amidst a group of five temples between Ade and Kelshi. A short climb of about 10 – 15 minutes via stone steps brings one to this magnificent temple complex. The architecture is from the regime of the Peshwa. One cannot miss a unique and an uncommon facet of these temples – all of them are facing east! Along with the main temple of Shree Bhargavram, this complex also houses the temples of Lord Shiva temple, Goddess Renuka, Lord Hanuman, Lord Ganesh, Lord Vetal and Lord Shani. Ade is one of the two places in Konkan which house a Lord Parshuram temple, the other one being Chiplun.


Panhalekaji, the famous rock-cut caves are situated on the bank of the river Kotjai which further meets the Dabhol creek. These historical manmade caves are believed to be more than 1000 years old and are the great examples of ancient cultural and architecture. There are a total 29 rock cut-caves, both big and small spread along the river bank. You can find Buddhist as well as Hindu religious rock sculptures similar to Anjantha caves. There are sculptures of Ganesh, Saraswati and scenes from the Mahabharata and Ramayana on the walls.
The carvings in these rock-cut caves create a unique blend of history of that period and natural beauty. It may take couple of hours to see all these caves in detail. One can also relax in the shadow of Mango trees, enjoy a refreshing swim in the river or simply stop and admire the outstanding scenery that this area has to offer. You can also take a walk along the river bank to enjoy the flora and fauna on both sides.
 Jungle covered mountains lie on both sides of the river. There is also a fort called "Pranaldurg" at top of the mountain. Every visitor feels in harmony with the nature, which breathtakingly unfolds around the river. In this remote area you can see variety of birds flying around and you may also get chance to spot Asian river otters.

Visitors get transported to a different world when exploring the ancient architecture in these caves. You can enjoy the tranquility and peacefulness of the jungle and walk in the woodlands. Bird enthusiasts will not be disappointed as this is an excellent area for bird watching. You can also spend your time fishing. Be sure to make a trip to Panhalekaji a part of your beach holiday vacation.
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Ladghar is a lovely place increasingly becoming popular for its nice beach and an unspoiled landscape that will refresh your spirit and recharge your energies. This beach is known as "Tamas Teertha" as some part of the sea appears to be red in colour. This beach has religious value and the bathing here is a big attraction. Also, it's a great spot for swimming, either in the sea or in the adjacent area where a river empties into the sea. Some part of beach is covered with coloured pebbles and boulders, creating a beach-rock collector's paradise. For those wanting a more strenuous walk this is a spectacular piece of coastline

The area is undeveloped, has an untouched feel and is beautiful around sunset. Viewing the sunset here is a breathtaking experience as the beach, sea and the horizon get bathed in numerous shades of red colour. One can also participate in dolphin watching trip in boats. This beach has the two beautiful, ancient temples - one of Lord Shiva known as "Veleshwar" and other of Lord Datta situated on a small hill. You can take a 15 min beach walk on the north side to reach this beautiful Datta temple.

If you wish to enjoy mouthwatering, delicious fish food then Ladghar is the place for you. It houses some really good resorts famous for serving fresh fish in local cuisine. On the south side of the beach is a small fishing village called Burondi. The fishing boats with their twinkling lights make the Burondi harbor a fascinating sight to watch in the evenings.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Dervan is located at 19 km from Chiplun, where you can watch the entire life history of King Shivaji through pictures and statues. This memorial is known as ‘Shivsrushti’. Shivsrushti as established by Shree sant Sitarambua Walawalkar Trust. Near about one crore rupees and 15 years were spent in construction of Shivsrushti.
An artist of Mumbai named Ganesh Patkar has developed these statues with his workmates. Construction of memorial looks like a fort. Tourists gets welcomed by Mavlas(soldiers) of Shivaji and two elephants residing at the entrance. Birth of Shivaji, coronation of Shivaji Maharajah, sacrifice of Bajiprabhu, fight with Shahistakhan, etc are some of the notable statutes to watch here.


 Nivati and Bhogve are two unexplored beaches. Nature had showered these places with amazing beauty.

Bhogve is isolated but scenic village. Whole village is in grip of green surroundings and also has a beautiful beach. Tourists gets crazy by visiting this clear and untouched beach. Meeting point of sea and Karli river is also a major attraction, watching more than hundred seagulls at this place is a pleasant experience.


Nivati is neighborhood village of Bhogve. Nivati has historical significance due to Nivati Fort. Though fort doesn’t have anything special to watch, but view of Nivati beach from fort is marvelous.


 Naate and Ambolgad are two neighborhood villages, located at 35 km from Rajapur and 60 km from Ratnagiri. Both villages are very pleasant and calm, away from any city but not disconnected from world.
Actually, Ambolgad was a fort; build in the period of Maratha Empire. Today, it has totally wiped out. Only a broken canon and a well are remaining in fort but major attraction of Ambolgad is that it has natural gift of clean and safe beach. View of beach from hill near beach is wonderful.
 Naate is residing on the edge of Naate-Jaitapur creek. Naate also has a fort, Yashwantgad. Musakaji port situated at a km from Naate, offers marvelous view Arabian sea and creek. It can also be consider as sunset point.


Naate and Ambolgad are slowly immerging as tourist attractions in Konkan region. Today, though these villages have fewer facilities; people who had visited these places felt that it was an amazing experience.




It is a famous temple in Dhopeshwar village in Rajapur taluka. This village is situated 5 k.m. Away from Rajapur city. You would always find devotees rushing here. It is on the bank of Mrudani River. It's an ancient temple. Natural beauty around it is extraordinary. At the both sides of the temple there are huge mountains and a river flows through it making it more beautiful.
The Mrudani River jumps from the high mountain so there is a beautiful waterfall near the temple. Some tourists come to see the waterfall. The best period to watch this waterfall is between July to November. During the period there is plenty of water. There is huge crowd on Mondays and Mahashivaratri.


 Goa-Sindhudurga district, on the border of Redi village, we find Tiracol fort. It is on a big hill near the seashore. Though it is in Goa, people visiting Sindhudurga are able to see it.
Fort is situated at the mouth of Redi creek. Towards the south of the fort is the seashore. Redi village is well known for its manganese business. Otavne river meets here to sea and hence the area of beach is very broad. And because of this otavne river, one natural boarder is maintained in sindhudurg and goa. From tiracol fort you can see beautifull view of otavne river where meets to sea.

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Monday, November 22, 2010


Laxmi Narayan Temple, just 15 kms away from Kudal is finest example of Hemandpanthi style of temple architecture. Surrounded by lush greenery with a beautiful reservoir near by this temple dates back to early 14th century. Constructed by Suryabhan & Chandrabhan Prabhu-Desai brothers, this East-facing temple is very famous in Sindhudurg district. This tri-level Laxmi Narayan temple is divided into entrance hall, central hall and palanquin shaped sanctum sanctorum. The entire construction is of teak wood. The central hall is spacious and has beautifully carved stone pillars and roof. The main door is short in height and has a splendid carving of lotus flowers on it. The big bell in the temple was taken from Portuguese sailors and has French lettering on it.

 The lake near Laxmi Narayan temple is a pretty sight. On a full moon night, one can see the stars shining in clear waters. On such evenings a rare spectacle of Sun setting in the west and at the same time Moon rising in the east can be seen. You can marvel at reflections of the Sun and the moon in the lake water and get the feeling of seeing two Suns and Moons in one instant.

 Courtesy :