
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

पांडव कालीन विमलेश्वर मंदिर – वाडा

पांडव कालीन विमलेश्वर मंदिर – वाडा

देवगडच्या धार्मिक स्थानामध्ये महत्वपूर्ण उल्लेख करावे असे (अतिशय प्राचीन शिवस्थान) विमलेश्वर मंदिर आगळा वेगळा महिमा सांगते.
वाडा येथील हे शिवस्थान असे आहे की इतर शिवलिंगे पाहण्यासाठी पायरया उतरून जावे लागते. परंतु हे शिवलिंग पाहण्यासाठी पायरया चढून वर जावे लागते. पांडवकालीन हे स्थान प्रती कशीच म्हणून ओळखले जाते. या ठिकाणी प्रथम गंगा, नंतर कालभैरव मंदिर, गणपती, नांदी अशी घुमट पद्दतीने रचना करण्यात आली असून या स्थानाला वाडा या गावच्या ग्रामदैवताचा मान मिळाला आहे.
हिरवा गार डोंगर, समोरून कोसळणारे खळाळते पाणी, सभोवारची नारळी फोफ्ळीच्या बागा हे सर्व दर्शनीच म्हणावे. अति भव्य जांभया खडकामध्ये हे शिव मंदिर कोरले असून शिल्पकलेचा अनुपम नजरा येथे पहावयास मिळतो. इथली शिल्पे विखुरलेली असून जे शिलालेख येथे सापडतात ते कोठेही पहावयास मिळत नाहीत. मंदिर प्रवेशताच खडकात कोरलेल्या पाच नग्न मुर्त्या, दोन हत्तींची शिल्पे आणि गाभरयात विमलेश्वर स्वयंभू लिंग लाक्षदायी ठरते. बारमाही वाहणारे स्वच्छ पाणी इथली २१ घरे वापरतात हा सांगण्यासारखा भाग आहे. निसर्गरम्य परिसरात वसलेले हे शिवस्थान इतके जाज्वल्य आहे की, गावात घर बांधणी करण्यापूर्वी पायाभरणीसाठी मंदिराजवळील वाहणाऱ्या पाण्यातून दगड नेतात.
मंदिराची व्यवस्था गुरव मंडळी पाहतात. तर महाशिवरात्री, त्रिपुरा पौर्णिमा हे उत्सव येथे होतात. महाशिवरात्री / दशमी ते अमावस्या या ठिकाणी प्रवचन, कीर्तन, तरंग उत्सव, पालखी प्रदिक्षणा सात दिवस चालते. शिव्स्थानातील पावन असे हे स्थळ.

शिवराजेश्वर मंदिर - सिंधुदुर्गकिल्ला

शिवराजेश्वर मंदिर - सिंधुदुर्गकिल्ला
इ.स. १६९५ मध्ये सिंधुदुर्ग किल्ल्यामध्ये छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांचे 'शिवराजेश्वर' हे मंदिर शिवाजी महाराजांचे पुत्र छत्रपती राजाराम महाराजांनी बांधले. या मंदिरात छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज्यांची जी मूर्ती आहे, ती नावाड्याच्या वेशातील असून तिच्या डोक्यावर मंदिल आहे. पद्मासनावर बसलेली मूर्ती एका हाताने आचमन करीत आहे तर दुसरा हात गुडघ्यावर आहे. हातात कडे आहे.
या मंदिराच्या प्रशस्त सभा मंडप पुढे इ.स. १९०६ \ ०७ च्या मध्ये करवीर छत्रपती शाहू महाराजांनी बांधला.

रामेश्वर मंदिर - कांदळगाव

मालवण तालुक्यातील कांदळगाव येथील स्वयंभू रामेश्वर मंदिर शिवकालीन असून मंदिराची घुमटी छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांनी बांधली असे सांगतात. या मंदिराच्या बांधकामासाठी अप्रतीम साक्षीदार कलाकुसर करण्यात आली आहे.
या कांदळगाव रामेश्वर मंदिरा समोर शिवाजी महाराजांनी वादाचे झाड लावले असे सांगितले जाते. आज तो प्रचंड वटवृक्ष "शिवाजीचा वड" म्हणून ओळखला जातो.
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रामेश्वर मंदिर - गिर्ये

रामेश्वर मंदिर - गिर्ये
विजयदुर्ग - निपाणी रस्त्यावर विजयदुर्ग पासून नजिकच गिर्ये येथे मुख्य रस्त्या पासून ३ कि. मी. अंतरावर इतिहासकालीन श्री देव रामेश्वर मंदिर आहे. पेशवे नाना फडणीसांचे बंधू गंगाधर भानू यांनी या रामेश्वर मंदिराची उभारणी केली. देवालय साधे कौलारू आहे. समोर खास कोकणी पध्दतीच्या दिपमाळा आहेत.

रामेश्वर देवालय खोलगट भागात आहे. मुख्य रस्त्यावरून अगर प्रवेशद्वाराच्या नजीकच्या पठारावरून हे मंदिर दिसत नाही. देवालयात जाण्यासाठी दीडशे मीटर लांब पंधरा मीटर खोल अशा जांभया दगडाच्या अखंड खडकातून खोदून मार्ग काढलेला आहे. मंदिरातील मुख्य गाभरयात शिवपिंडी आहे. बाहेरील बंदिस्त भागात सुमारे पन्नास किलो चांदीची नंदीवर आरूढ मूर्ती असलेली चतुर्भुज श्री शंकराची प्रासादिक मूर्ती आहे.
ई.स. १७९२/९३ मध्ये पेशव्यांच्या आरमाराचे प्रमुख आनंदराव धुळप यांनी इंग्रजांच्या जहाजावरून पकडून जप्त करून आणलेली अजस्त्र घंटा या ठिकाणी असून ही घंटा पुढे कृष्णराव धुळप यांनी ई.स.१८२७ मध्ये श्री देव रामेश्वरला अर्पण केली.
या रामेश्वर मंदिराच्या आवारातच उजव्या बाजूला मराठांच्या आरमाराचे सरखेल संभाजी आंग्रे यांची समाधी आहे. ते शिव भक्त होते. रामेश्वर मंदिर भोवतालची दगडी तटबंदी, फरसबंदी पटांगण सरखेल संभाजी आंग्रे यांनीच बांधले.
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भगवती मंदिर - धामापूर तलाव

भगवती मंदिर - धामापूर तलाव

धामापूर हे अत्यंत निसर्गसंपन्न गाव आहे. या गावाचे वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे येथील तलाव. या ठिकाणी आपण कुडाळ किंवा मालवणहूनही जाऊ शकतो.(कुडाळ पासून १२ कि. मी.) या तलावाकडे जाताना आपल्याला दिसतात त्या भगवती मंदिराच्या पायरिया. पायरिया चढून गेल्यावर भगवती मंदिराचे दर्शन घडतं. मंदिराला लागूनच हा प्रसिद्ध धामापूर तलाव आपल्या द्रिष्टस पडतो. या ठिकाणी काळसे - धामापूर पर्यटन सेवा संस्थेने बोटींगची सुविधा उपलब्ध करून दिली आहे.

Monday, September 27, 2010

कोजागिरी पौर्णीमा

आश्विन शुध्द पौर्णिमा म्हणजेच शरद पौर्णिमा किंवा कोजागिरी पौर्णिमा या मध्यरात्री वर देणारी लक्ष्मी 'कोण जागत आहे ?' असे विचारत पृथ्वीवर संचार करते जे लोक जागे असतील त्यांच्यावर कृपा करुन त्यांना द्रव्यादी ऐश्वर्य देते अशी आपली भावना आहे ही रात्र एकत्र येऊन आनंदाने खेळ खेळण्यात गप्पा विनोदात जागवतात ऐन मध्यरात्री चंद्र माथ्यावर आल्यावर त्याचे अमृतकिरण दुधात घेऊन ते अमृतमय पेय सर्वजण पितात.
वरील संदर्भ लक्ष्यात घेउन Purna Travels या कोकणात package सहली घेऊन जाणारया कंपनीने कोकणात कोजागिरी पौर्णीमा निमात्त सहल आयोजित केली आहे.
२२ ऑक्टोबरला सकाळी हि सहल निघेल. सकाळची न्याहारी आणि दुपारचे जेवण आटपून रात्नागीरी जिल्ह्यात लांजा तालुक्यात राहण्याकरता पोहचेल.
रात्री जेवणाबरोबर संगीताचा कार्यक्रम आयोजित केला आहे.आणि बरोबर मासालादुध तर आहेच. दुसर्या दिवशी ( २३तारखेला ) न्याहारी करून रात्नागीरी दर्शनाला निघायचे. रात्नागीरी दर्शनानंतर नाटे गावी मुक्कामाला जायचे. दुपारच्या जेवणानंतर थोडा आराम करून संध्याकाळी / रात्री जैतापूरच्या backwater मध्ये बोटिंगला जायचे. शुद्ध चान्द्रमाच्या प्रकाशात बोटिंगचा आनंद घेत गाणी म्हणत मनसोक्त मासालादुध्चा आस्वाद घेत वेळ घालवल्यानंतर रात्री चे भोजन मचाणवर घ्यायचे.
शेवटच्या दिवशी ( २४ तारखेला ) सकाळी न्यहारी नंतर मुंबईच्या प्रवासाला निघताना आदिवाची महाकालीचा आशीर्वाद घेउन आणि कशेळीचे कनकादित्य ( sun temple ) चे दर्शन घेउन परतीचा प्रवास करायचा.
Contact : kanchan Athalye - 9619246419 website: email-

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Sankashti Chaturti, also known as Sankat Nivaran Chaturthi, is an auspicious day dedicated to Sri Ganesha in a traditional Hindu lunar month. It falls during the waning phase of the moon – fourth day after the full moon. September 2010 date of Sankashti Chaturthi Vrata is September 26. The Chandrodaya or moonrise time is 8:11 PM. The Sankashti Chaturthi in September 2010 is more auspicious as it falls after the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Some homes and sarvajanik or public celebrations end on the day with Ganesh immersion.
Fasting on Sankashti Chaturthi begins at sunrise and ends after evening puja or after sighting the moon. Ganesh Temples conduct special pujas on the day.
It is widely believed by Ganesha devotees that observing Sankashti Chaturthi will bring material progress, happiness and fulfillment of desires.
The importance of Sankashti Chaturthi vrat was explained by Lord Krishna to Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandavas. It is also detailed in the Narasimha Purana and Bhavishaya Purana.

Friday, September 24, 2010



22 Oct.: Early morning departure. Breakfast at Nagothane.Proceed to Lanja, Cashew Hill in Konkan. Lunch at Chiplun. Check-in at Lanja. Rest. Dinner with Bhartiya Baithak Programme. Masala Milk . Games etc.

23 Oct: Breakfast at 9:30 am. Proceed for Ratnagiri Darshan – Thibaw Palace, Fort Ratnadurg, Lokmanya Tilak Memorial and Aquarium. Lunch. Stay at Nate. Dinner.

24 Oct: Breakfast at 7:30 am. Proceed towards Mumbai. On route Visit Karneshwar Temple, Sambhaji Smarak, Parshuram Temple, Lunch at Chiplun.

Tour Concludes

Tour Cost is Rs. 3899/- Per person which includes Transportation, Accommodation, All Meals, Toll / Guide / Entrance fees.

NB.: The cost for Packages Mentioned herein are ex- Mumbai.
Minimum Persons Required: 4
Bookings at least 10 - 15 days before Departure

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Here are some Useful Travel Tips for people (Indians as well as Foreigners) visiting Konkan.
The entire Konkan Region is well connected with good roads and now after the Konkan Railway has started, Rail Travel to some places has become convenient. Air connectivity though available, is limited to only a few bigger cities like Ratnagiri. Overall you can be assured that Konkan is a Tourist Friendly place to visit.
Maharashtra is one of the leading states of India and the roads are in good condition. This is true even for the smaller roads which crisscross the entire Konkan region. The crime rate in the region is low and the people are friendly to visitors. Most of roads you would travel have good scenic beauty and the traffic is also not very heavy barring the National Highway.
There are a lot of Good Hotels and Resorts along the entire coast and range from the Luxurious Resorts to Simple one room lodgings, but be sure to make your Accommodation arrangements beforehand if you are traveling with a family. Apart from the Hotels and Resorts many local people lend extra rooms in their houses on rent for a nominal charge. Although it is quiet safe to take up the rooms, It is advisable to check the facilities offered beforehand.
There are Good Restaurants in the bigger cities but as far as eating out goes, most of the small towns have 'Khanavals' or small basic dining hotels instead of fancy restaurants. By and large, they are clean and you can be assured of a hearty meal at these places.
In most of these places you would get a choice of Reasonably Priced Veg / Chicken / Mutton or Fish Thali instead of separate dishes in their menu. The fiery curries may be a bit too spicy for some people but you will definitely like the taste.
It is advisable to drink Mineral or Bottled water which is easily available even at the smallest towns and villages. The local food is very good but some people may find it spicy and hot.
Dress to wear:
Casual light Cotton clothing is advised due to the Hot and Humid conditions. However Skimpy clothing especially for women is not advisable. be sure to use caps or hats and sunscreen creams/lotions for protection from sun.
The local transport depends mainly on State Transport (ST) Buses, Auto rickshaws and 6 Seater tempos. Some bigger Resorts and Hotels arrange Tourist Vehicles for sightseeing, but it is an advantage if you have your own vehicle for traveling around the place.
Communication is not a problem as all of the tourist places have number of PCO/STD/ISD booths and all the leading Mobile providers network works in most of the places.
Credit cards may not be useful in smaller places and all the transactions are made in cash (Indian Rupees only), So be sure to carry enough cash for your trip.
It is advantageous if you know the local Marathi language as it will help you to befriend the local people who are very helpful by nature.
You do not require any special permissions to travel in Maharashtra, However you may find some Police Check posts near the Coastal areas. Please be sure to have all your papers with you like Passport, Valid Visa, International Driving licence (If You are driving) etc. if you are a Foreigner.
Permission is not required to camp on any of the beaches but be sure that you do not create a nuisanse to the local people and it is not advisable to stay overnight on a lonely beach if you have female members with you. If you are a big group then it is ok.
Many of the beaches on the coast are dangerous for swimming and proper care should be taken while entering the water. Please pay heed to the locals if they warn of dangerous waters.
We at urge people to be Responsible Tourists, please take care that you do not litter the beaches or harm the environment in any way while exploring it.

Wish you a Happy Tour To Konkan

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dear Holidayer, Tips for Choosing Tour Operators

Dear Holidayer,
Konkan is inviting you to see, understand, love, share and help the part of nature. Whatever your pleasure swimming, sunbathing, fishing, boating, surfing, dolphins watching, a relaxing walk, trekking, biking you are sure to get hooked.So why wait, refresh and fine-tune your senses.

As opposed to your friends who like to travel on their own and do not want rigid schedules during their holiday, you would rather travel with an organized group. Since you are not very fond of looking at maps and driving into uncharted territory, your best bet would be to go with a tour operator. All the work is done for you and you get to learn something about each place you visit, thanks to a well-prepared tour operator. What should you be looking for in a tour operator?

Experience and licence to operate
Most experienced tour operators have extensive travel experience under their belt. They know the preferences of various age groups, what the top destinations are, and have done their homework. In many cases you can tell good experience when the tour operator answers your questions and can add to your knowledge without being prompted. You can sense their confidence. They are not stammering or struggling for answers. Rarely will you hear “I don’t know about that; let me find out for you.”
Along with this experience, you want a tour operator who is licensed in the area you live. This is probably a little difficult when you are dealing with a tour operator who operates an online travel agency, but there are ways of finding out as to their legal status. For example, do they have a secure payment system, do they take major credit cards, and do they send you confirmation of your booking and mail you an original receipt? You can also go with word of mouth, go to online travel forums and read people’s comments about the tour operator.

Tour Guide
One of the reasons you choose an organized tour group is to learn something about the place you are visiting. You want a tour guide who will not only make sure that logistics are efficiently carried out, but also one who is well informed about the geography, history and culture of your destination. In fact, it is inconceivable for tour operators not to have tour guides who will accompany travellers everywhere they go and be accessible when they are needed.

Package deals
Examine your travel brochures closely and read in between the lines. You want to make sure that the accommodations provided are located in a safe area close to all amenities. If you are paying a steep price for your tour, you also expect that at least two meals daily are part of the deal. In addition to food and lodging, you want a tour operator who will give you the choice of signing up for extra side trips or special excursions. A good tour operator offers an adequate number of sightseeing trips, but can offer optional trips as well.

Flexibility in tour schedule
Some people have vowed never to go with a tour operator again because their first experience turned out to be like military training. A tour operator has to take into account the temperaments of travelers. There are those who do not mind having a hectic schedule where each activity is timed and meal periods start at a given time, not one minute more or less. A good tour operator leaves some room and time for travellers to be on their own, and will choose restaurants that can offer a varied menu so that everyone, or almost everyone, can be accommodated.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

कोकणात सहली घेउन जाणारयापैकी PURNA TRAVELS वेगळी कशी ?

कोकणात सहली घेउन जाणारयापैकी  PURNA TRAVELS वेगळी कशी ?
१) घरातून pickup & drop
२) आतील रस्त्याने निसर्गाचे दर्शन
३) आड वाटेवरचा कोंकण बघायचा लाभ
४) जिभेचे चोचले पुरवीत सहलीचा आनंद ( पदार्थ जे माहित असतात पण हल्ली करायला वेळ नसतो)
५) प्रत्येक स्थळांची माहिती व आजूबाजूची गावातली माहिती देउन  सफर
६) आमच्या सहलीत मुख्य जोर safety  वर देण्यात येतो : We are here to create very safe travel environment. Safety is first and safety is in high priority to all our clients. It is said that “SAFETY ON ROAD IS SAFE TEA HOME”
७) औषद उपचारांची सोय २४ तास
८) खरेदी करणार्यासाठी योग्य माहिती करून देणे
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१०) आणि म्हणजे " तारीख तुमची व्यवस्था आमची"
११) personal  खर्च सोडल्यास सर्व खर्च आमचा आसतो
१२) पुन्हा कोकणात जायचे असल्यास तेथील हॉटेल्स ला discount  ची सोय  
१३) Our philosophy is commitment, value, passion, knowledge & most important we are here to create dream holidays & not just travel itineraries.
१४) प्रेक्षणीय स्थळांवर भरपूर वेळ घालवण्याची मुभा
१५) सफरीच्या वेळी आवडता संगीत
१६) पर्यटकांना त्यांची इच्छा असल्यास tour  मध्ये नसतानाही त्यांच्या कुलदैवताला भेट देण्याची संधी.( if close by)  

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

108 Names of Lord Ganesha

Name / Meaning

Akhuratha One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
Alampata Ever Eternal Lord
Amit Incomparable Lord
Anantachidrupamayam Infinite and Consciousness Personified
Avaneesh Lord of the whole World
Avighna Remover of Obstacles
Balaganapati Beloved and Lovable Child
Bhalchandra Moon-Crested Lord
Bheema Huge and Gigantic
Bhupati Lord of the Gods
Bhuvanpati God of the Gods
Buddhinath God of Wisdom
Buddhipriya Knowledge Bestower
Buddhividhata God of Knowledge
Chaturbhuj One who has Four Arms
Devadeva Lord of All Lords
Devantakanashakarin Destroyer of Evils and Asuras
Devavrata One who accepts all Penances
Devendrashika Protector of All Gods
Dharmik One who gives Charity
Dhoomravarna Smoke-Hued Lord
Durja Invincible Lord
Dvaimatura One who has two Mothers
Ekaakshara He of the Single Syllable
Ekadanta Single-Tusked Lord
Ekadrishta Single-Tusked Lord
Eshanputra Lord Shiva's Son
Gadadhara One who has The Mace as His Weapon
Gajakarna One who has Eyes like an Elephant
Gajanana Elephant-Faced Lord
Gajananeti Elephant-Faced Lord
Gajavakra Trunk of The Elephant
Gajavaktra One who has Mouth like an Elephant
Ganadhakshya Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
Ganadhyakshina Leader of All The Celestial Bodies
Ganapati Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
Gaurisuta The Son of Gauri (Parvati)
Gunina One who is The Master of All Virtues
Haridra One who is Golden Coloured
Heramba Mother's Beloved Son
Kapila Yellowish-Brown Coloured
Kaveesha Master of Poets
Kirti Lord of Music
Kripalu Merciful Lord
Krishapingaksha Yellowish-Brown Eyed
Kshamakaram The Place of Forgiveness
Kshipra One who is easy to Appease
Lambakarna Large-Eared Lord
Lambodara The Huge Bellied Lord
Mahabala Enormously Strong Lord
Mahaganapati Omnipotent and Supreme Lord
Maheshwaram Lord of The Universe
Mangalamurti All Auspicious Lord
Manomay Winner of Hearts
Mrityuanjaya Conqueror of Death
Mundakarama Abode of Happiness
Muktidaya Bestower of Eternal Bliss
Musikvahana One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
Nadapratithishta One who Appreciates and Loves Music
Namasthetu Vanquisher of All Evils and Vices and Sins
Nandana Lord Shiva's Son
Nideeshwaram Giver of Wealth and Treasures
Omkara One who has the Form Of OM
Pitambara One who has Yellow-Coloured Body
Pramoda Lord of All Abodes
Prathameshwara First Among All
Purush The Omnipotent Personality
Rakta One who has Red-Coloured Body
Rudrapriya Beloved Of Lord Shiva
Sarvadevatman Acceptor of All Celestial Offerings
Sarvasiddhanta Bestower of Skills and Wisdom
Sarvatman Protector of The Universe
Shambhavi The Son of Parvati
Shashivarnam One who has a Moon like Complexion
Shoorpakarna Large-Eared Lord
Shuban All Auspicious Lord
Shubhagunakanan One who is The Master of All Virtues
Shweta One who is as Pure as the White Colour
Siddhidhata Bestower of Success and Accomplishments
Siddhipriya Bestower of Wishes and Boons
Siddhivinayaka Bestower of Success
Skandapurvaja Elder Brother of Skand (Lord Kartik)
Sumukha Auspicious Face
Sureshwaram Lord of All Lords
Swaroop Lover of Beauty
Tarun Ageless
Uddanda Nemesis of Evils and Vices
Umaputra The Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati)
Vakratunda Curved Trunk Lord
Varaganapati Bestower of Boons
Varaprada Granter of Wishes and Boons
Varadavinayaka Bestower of Success
Veeraganapati Heroic Lord
Vidyavaridhi God of Wisdom
Vighnahara Remover of Obstacles
Vignaharta Demolisher of Obstacles
Vighnaraja Lord of All Hindrances
Vighnarajendra Lord of All Obstacles
Vighnavinashanaya Destroyer of All Obstacles and Impediments
Vigneshwara Lord of All Obstacles
Vikat Huge and Gigantic
Vinayaka Lord of All
Vishwamukha Master of The Universe
Vishwaraja King of The World
Yagnakaya Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrficial Offerings
Yashaskaram Bestower of Fame and Fortune
Yashvasin Beloved and Ever Popular Lord
Yogadhipa The Lord of Meditation

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Pola Festival is celebrated throughout the state of Maharashtra, in the Hindu month of Shravan (that usually coincides August). It falls on day of Pithori Amavasya (new moon day) in Shravan. The festival marks the day when farmers worship their bulls and it is from the next day only that ploughing and sowing of fields is started. On the day before Pola Festival, farmers remove 'vesan' (the rope) from the nostrils of their bull. Thereafter, they apply a paste of turmeric powder and ground nut oil, on its shoulders.

Finally, the bull is given a hot water bath and served with khichadi, made of bajari. On the day of the festival, the bull is taken to the nearest river or pond and given a thorough bath. The farmers then paint the bull's horns and put colorful ornaments over them. Lastly, an ornamented shawl is put over the body of the bullocks and their neck is adorned with flower garlands. After decorating the bulls, the farmers worship them. Evening time is reserved for taking enthusiastic processions of all the bulls in the area, beautifully adorned, through the streets.

Side by side, we see the farmers playing instruments like drums, bugles, lezims (a typical Indian musical instrument), etc. At some of the villages in India, even fairs are organized as a part of the celebrations. The major attractions of these fairs comprise of competitions and outdoor games like volleyball, wrestling, kabaddi, kho-kho, etc. In towns and cities, instead of worshipping bulls, people worship their statues, either wooden or earthen. Last but not the least, Puran Poli (a sweet dish) adds the perfect flavor to the festivities.
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