
Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Malvani cuisine is the standard cuisine of the Konkan region of Maharashtra, Goa and northern parts of West Karnataka. Although Malvani cuisine is predominantly non-vegetarian, there are many vegetarian delicacies. Although it is an independent cuisine, it overlaps Maharashtrian cuisine and Goan cuisine. Malvan is a town in the Sindhudurg district on the west coast of Maharashtra.
Malvan being a coastal area in Konkan, it has its own distinct way of cooking food. Malvani cuisine uses coconut liberally in various forms such as grated, dry grated, fried, coconut paste and coconut milk.
Many masalas have dried red chilies and other spices like coriander seeds, peppercorns, cumin, cardamom, ginger, garlic, etc. Some dishes also use kokum, dried kokam (amsul), tamarind, and raw mango (kairi).
However not all of the cuisine is hot and spicy. The 'Konkanastha Brahmin' style of food is quite bland yet very tasty and vegetarian too.
Fish dishes dominate the Malvani cuisine. The fiery seafood curries may be a bit too spicy for some people, but are quite tasty. The Malvani cuisine is very similar to Goan or coastal South Indian cuisine.
Sol Kadhi is a pink colored appetizer drink made from the kokam fruit and Coconut Milk, often drunk after particularly hot and spicy Konkani / Malvani meal as it is very soothing.
Important Dishes
Main course
Kombadi Vade
Kombdi Vade or Murgh Malvani is a non-vegetarian dish, which is quite popular in Maharashtra. The dish consists of the traditional Malvani chicken curry (including chicken pieces with bones), vade (like a puri, which is a fluffy, fried bread of wheat and nachni flour), onion, lemon and solkadhi.
Shark curry is a highly popular dish along the Konkan coast.
Solkadhi or Soul Curry is an energizing curry drink, highly popular in Konkan. It is made from coconut milk and kokam. It is usually served with Kombdi Vade, various fish delicacies and Mutton Malvani.
Bangda Fry is a popular dish, especially in Mumbai. The head of the Bangda fish is removed and discarded and the other part is fried as a whole.
Chicken Kolhapuri is a popular dish; although Kolhapur is a different region, it is located in the mountains just above the Konkan region and the two regions are similar culturally. It differs from Murgh Malvani in its curry is red as opposed to the reddish-brown Malvani curry.
Malvani Mutton Curry is a highly popular dish throughout the Konkan region. It is similar to Murgh Malvani except that the spices are slightly different.
Bombil Fry
Khavda Curry is an extremely delicious dish made from a local Konkani bird called "Khavda".
Bombil Fry or Bombay Duck Fry is an immensely popular dish, especially in north Konkan regions such as Mumbai and Raigad.
Phansachi Bhaji
Paplet Saar is a dish consisting of Pomfret cooked in traditional Malvani fish curry. This dish is especially popular in Mumbai.
Phanasachi Bhaji is an exotic vegetarian dish, made from Jackfruit, chillies and spices.
Kaju Chi Aamti is a spicy curry of cajus (cashews). It is a spicy preparation and is savoured by the Malvani populace.
Fish Koliwada is an appetizer which has its origin in the coastal city of Mumbai and is the traditional dish of the ethnic Mumbaikars, the Kolis.


Breads and cakes
Dhondas or Cucumber Cake is a baked preparation made from cucumber, rava and jaggery.
Ghavan is a fried pancake and is especially popular in the Sindhudurg district. Its netted appearance gives it an even more enigmatic feel.
Khaproli is a sweet dish, highly popular in southern Konkan. The dish consists of a fluffy pancake dipped in yellow sweet juice.
Tandalachi Bhakri is a Bhakri made of rice flour. It is the Malvani equivalent of the Maharashtrian Jowari Bhakri or Bajri Bhakri, which is popular throughout the Deccan.
Malvani Malpua is a sweet deep-fried delicacy, highly popular in Maharashtra. The dish is especially in big demand during the Islamic holy month of Ramzaan.

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