
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Packing Tips For The Konkan Monsoon Tour

Whoever said happiness comes with sunshine

Hasn’t danced in the rains

Monsoons can be the best time to travel in many parts of India. In Konkan, monsoons typically last from June – September end. This is when landscapes are at their greenest and freshest, roads at their cleanest and when weather is at its most pleasant temperature.  With the end of summer vacations in Indian schools, tourist attractions are less crowded and good bargains can be found when travelling.


However, it can be quite irritating if you do not have the right things with you when you travel during monsoon.  Here is a list of things to pack during the monsoon:

clip_image001      Bag: Carry a light, water-proof bag so that your things stay dry.  It is also wise to purchase a plastic case for your phone, wallet and passport and ensure that electronic goods are kept securely dry in your bag.


clip_image001      Clothes: Wear light cotton clothes or comfortable partially synthetic clothes that can dry off quickly if you happen to get wet.  Shorts or three-quarter pants are always better than full length clothes which usually get muddied in puddles or by splash-back.  Avoid light colours which are prone to becoming stained. A jacket is a must have item particularly if you plan to walk a lot outside or trek.  A windcheater is useful to keep you warm during the rains, one without lining is better than one with as most parts of Konkan are quite warm once it stops raining. If you plan to go to a hill-station which is cooler and where it rains quite heavily, a jacket with a warm lining would also be useful.


clip_image001      Umbrella: Generally to just walk around cities, an umbrella should work just fine to keep you relatively dry.  Convenient folding umbrellas are easy to carry and do not take up much space. 


clip_image001      Shoes: Closed water-proof shoes are essential to keep your feet clean.  Tall boots or even gum-boots are good but it can get hot wearing them.  Avoid wearing open rubber slippers or sandals that will only dirty your feet.  Wearing sneakers or canvas shoes is also a bad idea as they take a long time to dry when they get wet.


clip_image001      Mosquito Repellent or Nets: The monsoon attracts plenty of mosquitoes and it is best to prevent yourself from being bitten so that you don’t get sick. Mosquito borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever are very dangerous, particularly during monsoon. It is therefore important to keep repelling mosquitoes using tropical strength repellent. If you are able to set one up easily, a mosquito net is also worthwhile for when you sleep.


clip_image001      Food and Water: Food tends to spoil or get moist easily in the monsoons, so it is worthwhile carrying small airtight containers if you want to pack food.  Water can also be contaminated in this season, and it is safest to buy packaged water that is widely available throughout India.


clip_image001      Mats or Newspapers: If you plan to have picnics whilst on the road, it is useful to carry dry mats or plastic sheets to spread out on wet surfaces. These may also be useful if you have long waits at train or bus stations. 


clip_image001      Sunblock: You can still get sunburnt so make sure you always use sunblock even if it is raining.

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