Raigad fort is beautiful 695-715 Muhammad bin Qasim was also an excellent administrator. He established peace and order as well as a good administrative structure in the areas he conquered. He was a kind hearted and religious person. He had great respect for other religions. Hindu and Buddhist spiritual leaders were given stipends during his rule. The poor people of the land were greatly impressed by his policies and a number of them embraced Islam. Those who stuck to their old religions erected statues in his honor and started worshiping him after his departure from their land.
Muhammad bin Qasim was known for his obedience to the ruler. Walid bin Abdul Malik died and was succeeded by his younger brother Suleman as the Caliph. Suleman was an enemy of Hajjaj and thus ordered Qasim back to the kingdom. Qasim knew of the animosity between the two. He was aware that due to this enmity, he would not be well treated. He could have easily refused to obey the Caliph's orders and declare his independence in Sindh. Yet he was of the view that obeying ones ruler is the duty of a general and thus he decided to go back to the center. Here he became a victim to party politics. He was put behind bars where he died at age of twenty. Many historians believe that had he been given a few more years, he would have conquered the entire South Asian region. acording the tarekh hind after his mohammaden ruler invaded the darul harab and set up the kingdom ship of islamic pattern peace justice and sorveinty and equality. After his expedition across the Gangetic plains in 1017, of Al-Biruni to compose his Tarikh Al-Hind in order to understand the Indians and their beliefs.the fort of Rai IS built by the mohammaden ruler of ghazni this Hazrat Madar Shah Sahib somany time sighted on the hill the dead body and said, “hey Jamaluddin Janeman Jannati, get up with the orders of the almighty Allah the miracles of the wali- zinda peer,hence the sultan mahmoud built fort of black stone massonary of Islamic art of fort. now the present situation somany arbic persion calligraphic foundation stone widrawl by the local feneticpersons and paste the old animal goddess stone during shivaji period.but the historian albiruni recorded it in persion of the fort history in Tarik-e-lhind.
The Bahamanis,1347-1489. From the beginning of their rule in 1318, the Deccan Musalmans seem to have held ports in Kolaba of which Ceul was one [Briggs Ferishta, II, 295]. Under the Bahamanis (1347-1489) the change of capital from Daulatabad south to Gulbarga caused the chief traffic to pass to the Ratnagiri ports of Dabhol, Ciplun and Rajapur Still Ceul remained a place of importance, as in 1357 when Hasan Gangu distributed his territory into four provinces, the northwest province is described as comprehending Ceul, Junnar, Daulatabad, Bid and Paithan [Briggs Ferishta, II, 295].
Maratha defeat, 1671. Kasim followed up his success by gaining six or seven forts in the neighbourhood of Danda-Rajpuri. From the beginning of their rule in 1318, the Deccan Musalmans seem to have held ports in Kolaba of which Ceul was one [Briggs Ferishta, II, 295]. Under the Bahamanis (1347-1489) the change of capital from Daulatabad south to Gulbarga caused the chief traffic to pass to the Ratnagiri ports of Dabhol, Ciplun and Rajapur Still Ceul remained a place of importance, as in 1357 when Hasan Gangu distributed his territory into four provinces, the northwest province is described as comprehending Ceul, Junnar, Daulatabad, Bid and Paithan [Briggs Ferishta, II, 295]. Muhammad II who ruled from 1378 to 1397 was an enlightened rider. When his kingdom was ravaged by famine he made prompt and efficient arrangement for the transport of grain from Gujarat and Malva and its distribution among Muslims only at cheap rates. He established orphanages in various centres in the kingdom two of which were at the Konkan ports of Ceul and Dabhol Six forts surrendered after one or two days, but the commandant of the seventh held out for a week and then capitulated on terms, which Kasim faithlessly violated. Kasim granted quarter to the garrison and seven hundred persons came out. He made the children and pretty women slaves, and forcibly converted them to Islam; the old and ugly women he set free and the men he put to death. Kasim sent news of his victory to prince Muhammad Muazzam, governor of the Deccan, and to Khan Jahan. Both he and his brother Sidi Khairiyat had their rank raised and were presented with robes of honour Khafi Khan in Elliot and Dowson, VII.. This must have been Muazzam's second governorship 1667-1672. In September 1671, Shivaji sent an ambassador to Bombay to secure the aid of the English in an attack on Danda. But the President and Council at Surat advised Bombay neither to promise, nor to deny him any help as they did not think it convenient to help him against Danda, which place, if it were in his possession, would prove a great annoyance to the port of Bombay. Towards the end of 1672, Aurahgzeb sent a fleet of 36 vessels from Surat to assist the Sidi of Danda-Rajpuri by causing a diversion by sea. This squadron did Sivaji great mischief, burning and plundering all his seaport towns and destroying above 500 of his vessels, (evidently trading boats).
Shivaji Maharaj had seized the site, then the fortress of Rairi, from the royal house of the Chandrarrao Mores, a junior or Cadet Dynasty descended from the ancient Maurya imperial dynasty. The last More king (or raja) was a feudatory of the Sultan of Bijapur. Shivaji renovated and expanded the Fortress of Rairi and renamed it Raigad (the King's Fort), the name he gave it when he selected it for his capital when he founded the Maratha empire. Raigad, a hill fortress situated in Raigad district of Maharashtra, India was capital of Shivaji's kingdom.
The fort's ruins today consist of the queen's quarters, consisting of six chambers, with each chamber having its own private restroom with plumbing. The main palace was constructed using wood, of which only the bases of pillars remain. Ruins of three watch towers can be seen directly in front of the palace grounds overlooking an artificial lake called Ganga Sagar Lake created next to the fort. It also has a view of the execution point called Takmak Tok, a cliff from which the sentenced prisoners were thrown to their death. This areas is now fenced off. The fort also has ruins of the market, and it has such structure that one can shop even while riding or sitting astride a horse.
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