Suvarna Ganesh (Golden Ganesha) is in Diveagar village, which is in Shrivardhan taluka in Raigad district situated near seashore, is hidden in coconut and betel-nut trees. Suvarna Ganpati’s idol (Golden Ganesha idol) was buried to save it from Arab invasion. Later on it appeared in 1997. This Golden Ganesha is of southern style from Shilahar, having uncomparable carving.
Divegar village is spread in about 5 sq. km. area. Trade history in this village goes to 2000 year back. Traders used to trade with foreign countries from Shrivardhan, Rajapuri, Revdanda and Chaul etc. Harbors of Konkan coast, Mandar pattanam on Dandarajpuri creek and Palipattan on Bankot creek were prominent center of foreign trade.
Following references are found:

1) First written reference of Diveagar is there in ‘Velsi Agar Tamrapat’ (a copper plate) (973 B.C.) Velsi Agar is Velas village which is at the North of Diveagar.
2) Mummuniraj Shilahar founded corporation in Diveagar and gave all administration of Diveagar to it. He exempted the taxes of residence and hospitality of authorities (A.D. 1053). Both ‘Tamrapat’ are in Sanskrit.
3) Diveagar ‘Tamrapat’ A.D. 1060 is well known as first Marathi ‘Tamrapat’. There is mention about Mavalbhatt, Vasudeo Bhatt, Nagrudra Bhatt etc. Brahmin used to live in Diveagar. They gave 127 gold ‘Gadyanak’ coins to neighbouring Stitipuri village for ‘parishad’. Shilahar ruled more than 450 years (800 to 1265 A.D.) in north Konkan and brought peace and prosperity during the rule.
Arab pirates used to attack rich Diveagar by sea. Many temples and attractive idols were destroyed during these attacks but luckily Suvarna Ganpati’s idol (Golden Ganesha idol) was buried to save it from Arab pirates.
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