Last village in Ratnagiri Tehsil is Jaigad. After crossing the creek in the village, one reaches the Guhagar Tehsil. Jaigad is the natural port and famous since ages. When major transportation was by sea – routes. This is one of the rare ports where ships can directly berth to the jetty. This was the major port in 50’s when Goa – Mumbai ship service was in full stream. Over the time with advent of national highways and closure of ship services, Jaigad lost its glamour and now is a remote port.
Lighthouse situated in the fort guides ships traveling between Dabhol (near Dapoli) and Ratnagiri. With the proper development of this natural port, Jaigad can once again be the hub of marine activity and has the potential to become an alternative port to Mumbai. Its scenic location and natural port facility are the silent features of the Jaigad Fort.
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